
FYSH School

FYSH School, Our Dental Education Event for Kids

FYSH School: Our Dental Education Event for Kids

Dental care is hard for kids. Not only do motor skills make oral care challenging at an early age, but the dentist can seem like a scary place. The new sounds, sensations, instruments in every room, and even the face masks our team wears can seem scary to kids. Not to mention that dentistry is often presented to children as frightening and painful in their favorite shows and movies (just look at the scenes that take place in a dental office in Finding Nemo, for example).

These negative opinions of going to the dentist often persist well into adulthood, and affect lifetime dental care habits, willingness to get regular cleanings, and overall comfort level with dental care.

Seeing how many adult patients have a negative perception of going to the dentist, we decided to make an effort to create positive experiences in our practices for everyone.

For adults, we have plenty of options for patients with anxiety. And for kids, we started something totally new, FYSH School.

FYSH: Find Your Smile Here.

FYSH School gives kids a positive start with dental care. They’ll learn about dental health and form a positive view of visiting the dentist. They’ll see how caring for their teeth is not only important, but fun!

Every parent wants their child to learn good oral hygiene habits and have a healthy smile for years to come. We can help! Join our FYSH School event. We provide educational, interactive, and fun activities for kids to become comfortable with the dentist and learn age-appropriate information about taking care of their teeth.

We offer FYSH School at each of our locations several times per year. Give us a call to find out when the next one is scheduled.

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